Saturday, March 28, 2009


This is Dobby the house elf. He is probably the biggest sculpture project I have worked on over the period of the last year or so. He was of course, inspired from the "Harry Potter" books. He is a bust, but he is life sized. He is made of sculpey clay then painted with acrylic paints.

I tried to put as much detail as possible in him. I made this sculpture almost as a memorial to Dobby who dies in the last Harry Potter book.

Dobby means well in all he does but sometimes it goes a little haywire. He is now much happier as a free elf then as a slave to a cruel family. He absolutely adores Harry for setting him free from his old masters and remains loyal to him for the rest of his life.

I personally think that my Dobby looks like he has maybe caused trouble and is now trying to apologize.

Thank you for stopping by to visit Dobby and I!

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